You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The pie charts below illustrate the number of journal articles read per week by all students, PhD students, and junior lecturers at an Australian university. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. |
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The pie diagram gives detailed information about the journal article reading habit of every students, PhD students and junior lecturers at an Australian university.
Overall, the PhD students read the maximum number of articles; however, every students reads the least number of journals. The percentage of junior lectures those who reading least number of journals were negligible.
To begin with,67 percent of every students read only 1 to 5 journals a week, although the percent of those who reading above 12 articles were only 12. Nearly one fifth of every students read only 6 to 11 articles every week. When looking on the PhD students, the highest ratio of people reading above 12 were on this group with 80 percent; however, only 5 percent of this group read only 1 to 5 journals a week.
Moreover,three quarter of the junior lecturers read 6 to 11 article per week and nearly a quarter of this group read above 12 journal articles. A negligible one percent of lecturers read only one to five in a week.
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