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Talk about something important you lost in the past
You should say:

  • What you lost?
  • How you lost it?
  • Where you lost it?
  • And explain how you felt about it?
Sample Answer:

Life has all sorts of surprises for us which we keep getting from time to time. We find some of them overwhelming while some others make us sad and distressed. Today, I’ll like to talk about a mobile phone which I lost. I still remember that evening very well although it happened around ten years back.

I had gone to a local market that day to get some stationary for my upcoming exams. I stood on the counter and told the salesman to show me some gel pens and writing boards. I had my phone in my hand as I entered the shop but kept it on the counter to have a look at the stuff lying in front of me. In the mean time, a middle aged man also came there and asked for something. Then, he left in five minutes or so without purchasing anything. I didn’t sense anything at that time, I bought whatever I needed and paid the shopkeeper his due amount.

As I was about to leave, I just remembered to pick up my phone. All hell broke loose when my mobile was nowhere to be found. I searched all over the counter and even on the floor. The salesman told me that the man who entered the shop and left abruptly must be the thief. We tried to locate him on the street but he seemed to have vanished in the by lanes.

I just can’t explain that feeling when I lost something so dear to me. Certainly, I was shocked beyond words as right in front of my eyes someone took away my phone while I remained oblivion. Also, I was worried because all my contact numbers and other important details were in there. Then, I filed an FIR in the nearest police station and also called up my service provider to lock my SIM card.

This experience has made me more careful of my belongings and now I try to keep my phone as securely as possible.

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