Here are some tips to score well in your IELTS exam speaking section:

Establish a Good Pace

When it comes to speaking English, we tend to link speed with proficiency. Isn’t it true that the more fluent you are, the faster you will be able to speak? While this is somewhat true, it is advisable to avoid falling into the speed pitfall during the IELTS Speaking test.

If you speak too quickly, you may appear incoherent. Speaking too slowly, on the other hand, may lead your instructor’s mind to stray and lose interest in what you’re saying.

The most important thing you can do is maintain a steady, constant pace. This will assist guarantee that you are coherent and make an impression on your assessor.

Look and Feel Confident

The Speaking test is undoubtedly the most nerve-racking aspect of the IELTS exam.

A good first impression may go a long way toward developing a connection with your supervisor, so make sure you dress correctly and appear clean and tidy. With a grin and a strong handshake, greet your examiner. And don’t stress if you mistakenly say “Good morning” instead of “Good afternoon” Because IELTS examiners will forgive tiny errors caused by stress.

Be Emotional

While we don’t advise that you answer your investigator’s questions with tears running down your face the entire time, you should reply with some passion in your voice. Speaking monotonously can just make you appear inexperienced and may lower your score.

Instead, consider how you would respond in your home language and apply those similar sentiments to your English speaking.


One of the most challenging aspects of the IELTS Speaking exam is that you will not know the subjects ahead of time. While you may study for frequent subjects, you won’t know the specific questions unless you hear them from your expert.

There’s a risk you’ll be asked a question regarding a subject about which you have little to no understanding or experience. While this is not a pleasant situation, the good news is that what you know about a particular topic counts relatively little on an IELTS Speaking exam.

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