How to write an IELTS Essay at band 9 level

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How to write an IELTS essay at a band 9 level.

This comprehensive article guides you through the processes and techniques of writing an essay that would get you a band score of 9. This is an extensive article, so read it carefully and grasp the concept. Use the examples to understand the concepts explained in it.READ MORE

How to give an example in your IELTS Essay

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IELTS Essay instruction clearly states that you should include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

So whenever you write an essay for the IELTS test, make sure your arguments, discussions or debates are supported by relevant examples, data or evidence. This article intends to show you how to include “an example” in your essay, when to add it, when not to, and how many examples are expected in the entire essay.READ MORE

Different IELTS Essay Types

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The 5 types of IELTS writing task 2 (IELTS Essay) questions include the below:

1. Opinion (Agree or Disagree) IELTS Essays.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages IELTS Essays.
3. Discussion (Discuss both views) IELTS Essays.
4. Problem/Cause and Solution IELTS Essays.
5. Double Question IELTS Essays or Mixed IELTS Essays.

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