Components of a perfect Introduction paragraph:-

1. Task Achievement            3. Cohesion and Coherence
2. Lexical Resource4. Grammatical Range and Structure

1. Task Achievement

Task achievement in your introduction should be composed of two parts:-

  • General Statement(2 sentence max)
  • Thesis Statement(1 sentence)

While a general statement is anything that you paraphrase to rewrite the question, the thesis is the signpost for the examiner to say what to expect in your body paragraph.

General StatementIt is often said that children benefit from caring for domestic animals, especially in today’s technology-focused world. However, the issue is not entirely straightforward, and arguments can also be made against the idea.
Thesis StatementThis essay will discuss the debate and give a concluding view.

For opinion essay

It is often said that retirement is the happiest time of a person’s life. How far do you agree with this view?
In many countries, the population is aging consistently, and this presents older people with challenges as well as opportunities. It seems to me that retirement is not in fact the most contented period of life, and I will explain why in this essay.
General Statement
In many countries, the population is aging consistently, and this presents older people with challenges as well as opportunities.
Thesis Statement
It seems to me that retirement is not in fact the most contented period of life, and I will explain why in this essay.

An opinion essay asks if you support a given point of view. The structure is different from Discussion Task. You should introduce the topic (general statement) and give your opinion in the introduction (Thesis statement). It is always suggested to use personal pronouns like I and me in an opinion essay.

For discussion essay

Some people support the idea of imposing taxes on fossil fuels (oil, coal, and gas) in order to reduce energy consumption. Others disagree with this approach. Consider the debate and its arguments, and come to your own conclusion.
Most people agree that the use of fossil fuels should be reduced to some extent. However, imposing taxes is a controversial tactic that appears to have a number of contradictory effects. This essay will consider both sides of the discussion.

The elements of achieving the task are the same as opinion essays except for the argument. An argument is a sentence that tells the reader that there are different schools of thought on that issue or condition.

General StatementArgumentThesis Statement
Most people agree that the use of fossil fuels should be reduced to some extent.Imposing taxes is a controversial tactic that appears to have a number of contradictory effects.This essay will consider both sides of the discussion.

For two-parts essay

Many people today find that the cost of attaining a University-level education is extremely high for students and their families. What are the causes of this situation, and how can governments, Universities, and the students themselves overcome the problem?

While many young people aspire to attend University, the expense involved can be prohibitive in some cases. The causes of this appear to be focused on three areas, and a number of solutions also appear to be possible.
General Statement
While many young people aspire to attend University, the expense involved can be prohibitive in some cases.
Thesis Statement  
The causes of this appear to be focused on three areas, and a number of solutions also appear to be possible.

The thesis statement of two parts essay should either burrow the keywords or use its synonym from the question part (What are the causes of this situation, and how can governments, Universities, and the students themselves overcome the problem).

2. Cohesion and Coherence

In recent years, the question of whether animals should be kept in zoos has become increasingly controversialIn my opinion, there is nothing cruel about animals being kept in captivity. In fact, there are a number of advantages which I will outline below.

Notice the bold words above? They are the words to link your ideas. It is suggested to use at least one linker while writing your introduction.

3. Lexical Resource

A lexical resource is all about how flexibly and fluently you can find the right words and phrases to convey precise meanings. 

In simple words, Lexical Resource is vocabulary. Adding useful vocabulary is a must for the IELTS test. However, it’s important to remember that examiners do not expect you to always write uncommon, difficult, or fancy words. Instead, they expect you to use words that find close association and relevancy to the topic. For example, instead of writing “development in technology,” you can write the more concise and relevant phrase “technical advancement.”

Considering using these:-

  • Phrasal verbs-1
  • Collocation- 1
  • Less common words- 1
  • Topic Specific Words- 1

3. Grammatical Range and Accuracy

25% of the overall writing mark is down to Grammatical Range and Accuracy. This means that not only does your IELTS grammar have to be correct, but it also has to be varied

3 Types of Sentences:-

There are 3 types of sentences. Remember to use at least two in your introduction.

  • A Simple Sentence
  • A Compound Sentence
  • A Complex Sentence

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