The best preparation for IELTS Speaking is one of the best books that are going to help you prepare for the IELTS Speaking test. With this book, you will achieve the IELTS Speaking score that you have always dreamed about.

Download The Best Preparation for IELTS Speaking PDF

You can download The best preparation for IELTS Speaking Book from the end of this post. You might need to wait a bit till the download button shows to download the pdf.

You can also get the best preparation for IELTS Listening, IELTS Reading, and IELTS Writing to complete the package of this serious.

The Best Preparation for IELTS Speaking

Learners of English may find the IELTS Speaking test very challenging as it is a one-to-one interaction between a candidate and an examiner. In addition, the three parts in the test require the candidate to use a range of different speaking skills.

Understanding learners’ difficulties, I have tried to work out user-friendly materials to facilitate English learning, especially helping English learners to improve their speaking skills more rapidly and effectively. Our practical step-by-step guide to test practice, as well as important skills presented and explained, will certainly meet your expectations and bring success to your coming IELTS test.

Our practical step-by-step guide to test practice, as well as important skills presented and explained, will certainly meet your expectations and bring success to your coming IELTS test.

IELTS Speaking test

In the IELTS Speaking test, you have a discussion with a certified Examiner. It is interactive and as close to a real-life situation as a test can get. The test is 11 to 14 minutes long with three parts.

  • In Part 1, you answer questions about yourself, your family, your work and your interests.
  • In Part 2, you speak about a topic. You will be given a task card which asks you to speak about a particular topic and includes points that you can cover in your talk. You will be given 1 minute to prepare your talk. You will then speak for 1-2 minutes.
  • In Part 3, you have a longer discussion on the topic. The examiner will ask you further questions connected to the topic in Part 2.

The IELTS Speaking test is the same for both Academic and General Training tests.

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