» You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The average prices per kilometer of clothing imported into the European Union from six different countries in 1993 and 2003 are shown in the bar chart below.

» Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

Sample 1
The given bar chart illustrates the prices per kilometre of goods which is being brought by six different countries in 1993 and 2003.

Overall, it is clearly seen that Argentina had the highest prices per kilometre in clothing in 1993 as compared to Bangladesh. Whereas, in 2003, japan had low prices as compared to other countries.

In 1993, only Argentina and Brazil had high prices ( appropriately 28 and 23 pounds) respectively. Whereas, there has been a decrease in the prices in countries Japan, China and India ( 15, 10 and 7 pounds) respectively. In addition, Bangladesh has the lowest amongst all the countries at approximately 3 pounds.

In 2003, there was an upsurge in the prices in all countries except Bangladesh, which has only 7 pounds. However, Japan and India have about 12 and 14 pounds respectively. Furthermore, Argentina, Brazil and China have increased by (26, 23 and 17 pounds) respectively.

Sample 2

The bar graph illustrates the average price per kilometre of clothing imported to the European Union from six varied nations, namely Argentina, Brazil, Japan, China, India, and Bangladesh. The years under consideration is 1993 and 2003. Besides, the price unit was considered in pounds.

Overall, the top-most export clothing nation is Argentina in both of the years, whereas Bangladesh is with the least price in both years. Furthermore, Brazil had the same price from a decade onwards without any fluctuations or a plunge.

To commence with, Argentina was the highest export price costing about approximately above 25 pounds in the year 1993. Besides, there was a slight decline in the year 2003 with just above 25 pounds nearly 26 pounds. Meanwhile, Brazil had a similar price in both years, and there are no changes in a decade which was nearly 23 pounds.

Conversely, Japan is exporting with the price of 15 pounds to European Union in the year of 1993, whereas, slightly decline in the year of 2003 with almost 2 pounds less. On the other hand, China and India are selling price with 10 pounds and just above 5 pounds in the year 1993. With the advancement in the market, there is a climb in 2003 for both of the nations with approximately 16 pounds in china and 12 pounds in India. Last but not least, Bangladesh is the least price exporting their clothing with nearly 3 pounds in 1993 and 6 pounds in 2003.

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