1. Rain down on: Fall in large numbers: Bombs RAINED DOWN ON the city all night.
  2. Rake in: Earn, make money easily: She’s RAKING IN thousands a day.
  3. Ramp up: Increase amount, price, speed or power of something: The company has RAMPED its prices UP because of higher oil prices.
  4. Rat on: Inform authorities about someone’s wrongdoings: She RATTED ON her neighbours to the police because they were smuggling alcohol from France.
  5. Reach out for: Try to achieve something difficult: They are REACHING OUT FOR major economic reforms.
  6. Reason out: Come to a conclusion or solution after some thought: He REASONED OUT the answer to the math problem.
  7. Ride out: Survive a difficult time: They managed to RIDE OUT the recession.
  8. Roll back: Retreat: The army ROLLED BACK when they came under attack.
  9. Root for: Support: Everyone was ROOTING FOR Arsenal to win the Champions League.
  10. Rule out: Exclude a possibility: The police have RULED OUT suicide and are treating it as a case of murder.
  11. Run after: Chase, pursue: The police RAN AFTER the guy who’d stolen it, but he was too fast for them.
  12. Rush in: Enter or go indoors in a hurry: We RUSHED IN when it started raining.

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