- Pack up: Stop doing something: You should PACK UP smoking.
- Pair off: Begin a romantic relationship: They PAIRED OFF shortly after starting university.
- Pal up: Become friends: We PALLED UP when I started working with her.
- Palm off: Get someone to accept something that isn’t true: He tried to PALM me OFF with a pathetic excuse.
- Pass to: Give ownership or responsibility to someone: The shares PASSED TO his daughter when he died.
- Pass up: Decline a chance: She PASSED UP the opportunity to go to university because she’d been offered a job.
- Patch up: Fix or make things better: I tried to PATCH things UP after the argument, but they wouldn’t speak to me.
- Peel off: Leave a group by moving in a different direction: When the police blocked the road, a few protesters PEELED OFF and left the march.
- Peg away: Keep working at something: I PEGGED AWAY for weeks before my exams.
- Pick at: Eat unwillingly: I wasn’t very hungry so I just PICKED AT my food.
- Pig out: Eat a lot: The food was great, so I really PIGGED OUT.
- Pitch for: Try to persuade someone to give your work, business, a job, etc: He PITCHED FOR the job, but they gave it to someone else.
- Plough on: Continue doing something you don’t want to: It was really boring, but we PLOUGHED ON.
- Point out: Make someone aware of something: He POINTED OUT that I only had two weeks to get the whole thing finished.
- Pootle along: Travel in a leisurely way: We were POOTLING ALONG at thirty miles an hour.
- Pour down: Rain hard: It POURED DOWN all day so we had to remain indoors.
- Price in: Include the affects of possible future events when assessing the value of something: Speculators have PRICED IN the risk of a war breaking out.
- Pull down: Demolish: They PULLED the old cinema DOWN to build a new shopping mall.
- Pump in: Invest, put money in: The government will PUMP funds IN.