- Make it: Arrive or get a result: I thought you weren’t coming, so I was really pleased you MADE IT.
- Man up: Behave with courage or conviction: She told her anonymous critics to MAN UP and speak publicly.
- Mark down: Give a student a lower grade for a particular reason: Students who gave obviously rehearsed answers were MARKED DOWN, while those who spoke naturally were rewarded accordingly.
- Marry up: Match, correspond: The two lists did not MARRY UP.
- Max out: Take something to the limit, reach a limit: She MAXED OUT her credit cards.
- Meet up: See someone after making an arrangement: We’re MEETING UP on Friday- I haven’t seen them for ages.
- Mess about: Not be serious, not use something properly: The children were MESSING ABOUT with the TV remote control and broke it.
- Miss out: Not do something enjoyable or rewarding: It’ll be great; you’ll be MISSING OUT if you don’t come.
- Mix up: Confuse: I always MIX those two sisters UP because they look so like each other.
- Mount up: Increase over time: My debts MOUNTED UP while I was at university.
- Move ahead: Make progress, often after a pause or delay: The construction can MOVE AHEAD now that permisson has been granted.
- Muddle along: Continue without a clear aim or plan: If you’re ambitious, you cannot MUDDLE ALONG.
- Mug up on: Study something quickly, revise: I need to MUG UP ON my history for the test.
- Mull over: Think about an issue or problem: She said that she’d had to MULL IT OVER before deciding what was