1. Lash down: Fall heavily (rain): The rain was LASHING DOWN all day and the roads were flooded.
  2. Lay down: Establish rules or procedures: The rules of the sport were LAID DOWN early in the nineteenth century.
  3. Lean on: Put pressure on someone to get them to do what you want: The government has denied LEANING ON the Attorney General to get his approval of the war.
  4. Let in on: Tell someone a secret, inform them or allow them to participate: They LET me IN ON what they were planning.
  5. Listen up: Pay attention (often used as a command): LISTEN UP, men! Here are your new assignments.
  6. Live for: Believe something is extremely important: He LIVES FOR football.
  7. Lock yourself away: Go somewhere away from people to study or work: I LOCK MYSELF AWAY for a few weeks before exams.
  8. Look back: Think about the past: Old people often LOOK BACK on over their lives.
  9. Look out: Be careful: LOOK OUT; you’re going to drop that!
  10. Lord it over: Behave in a superior manner: She loves to LORD IT OVER her employees.
  11. Lose out: Be at a disadvantage: Many people LOST OUT when the new regulations were enforced.
  12. Luck into: Get something by chance: We LUCKED INTO getting the answer.
  13. Lust after: Be attracted sexually: He secretly LUSTS AFTER his friend’s wife.

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