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Issues related to living in a big city are frequently discussed these days. It is argued that nowadays, many people are leaving from suburban to urban areas. Despite the fact that this trend has some drawbacks, I would argue that there are more benefits.

On the one hand, there are numerous merits associated with staying in big capital. The principal advantages are the opportunities of working and education. Generally, in the country village have been solely elementary schools as well as lack of great colleges whereas in town there are numberless colleges provided with the best teachers. Besides, a young man who graduates from a great university can seek a job in a big company with good treatment and a high salary. Moreover, those jobs mostly are found in a big city and some need to be there always. Last but not least, suburban areas are far away from downtown so it is inconvenient to use necessary services there. For example, when you have a serious disease, you can’t get to the hospital at that moment. These prove why more and more people choose to move to urban centers despite their high subsistence fees.

On the other hand, there are several demerits associated with living downtown. The main disadvantage is the unhealthy environment that results in health problems. Air contamination is a serious problem in many urban areas due to city traffic and uncontrolled factory emission. These problems have a negative impact on human health; more specifically is the respiratory system. For example, in 2021, about 22000 people died in Peking, the capital of China.

All things considered, it seems to me that the benefits of living in large cities slightly outweigh the drawbacks. Therefore, individuals should decide their habitat by their own conditions while governments ought to develop efficient educational and business places for everyone in their countries.

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