
Most verbs describe actions, so they are called action verbs. Action verbs tell what people or things are doing. Here are some common action verbs.
    » drink,  look,  jump,  swim,  fall etc.

Subject and Verb Agreement
When you use a verb, you have to say who or what is doing the action. This ‘who or what’ is the subject of the verb. The subject and the verb match each other. You say that the subject and the verb agree when they match each other.

Use a singular verb if the subject is a singular noun. For example, the subjects ‘my dad’ or ‘our school’, or any of the pronouns he, she or it, require a singular verb. Most singular verbs end in s. Look at the subjects and their verbs in these examples. The subjects are in bold and the verbs are in color.

” He always drinks milk when he’s hot.”
” She eats bananas for breakfast.”
” Mom walks to work every day.”
” My sister dances like a professional dancer.”
” The baby falls when she tries to walk.”
” Our cat climbs the trees in our garden.”

This form of the verb is called the third person singular. You use it when
the subject of the verb is not you or the person you are speaking to, but some
other person—a third person—or a thing.

Here are some more third person singular verbs that end in s.
    » plays, sings, shines, rides, smiles, draws, paints, blows, thinks, stops etc.

The third person singular form of some verbs is made by adding es at the end. Some examples are verbs that end in shchssxzz and o.
    » brushes, watches, kisses, fixes, rushes, reaches, misses, mixes etc.

Here are some sentences with verbs in their third person singular form.

” She always brushes her teeth at bedtime.”
” Dad polishes his shoes until they shine. “

Suppose the subject of a noun refers to a group of people. Depending on the meaning of the sentence, you may use either a singular or a plural verb.

” The audience was enjoying the play.”
” The audience have all gone home.”

” The class has thirty students.”
” The class are handing in their papers. “

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Some verbs have an object. The object of a verb is the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb. 

           “Alice eats a banana for breakfast. “

The subject of the verb is Alice. She is the person who does the action: she eats. The object of the verb is a banana. A banana is affected by the action of the verb. So in this sentence, the object of the verb ‘eat ’ is ‘a banana’. Verbs that have objects are called transitive verbs.

Some verbs don’t have an object. A verb that does not have an object is called an intransitive verb. Here are some sentences with intransitive verbs.

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