Using Topic Specific Vocabulary
IELTS Topic Related Vocabulary for Education
attend classes: to go to classes numeracy: ability to understand and work with numbers distance learning: classes through internet day release: a system of allowing employees days off work to go on educational courses. learn something by heart: to memorize it to meet a deadline: to finish a job or task in the time allowed or agreed | to play truant: to stay away from classes without permission to sit an exam: to take an exam to take a year out: to spend a year working or traveling before starting university to fall behind with studies: to progress less quickly than others an intensive course: a course that offers lots of training in order to reach a goal in as short a time as possible |
IELTS Topic Related Vocabulary for Work
to be called for an interview: to be invited to attend an interview
a heavy workload: to have a lot of work to do a high-powered job: an important or powerful job job satisfaction: the feeling of enjoying a job semi-skilled: neither skilled nor unskilled blue-collar worker: manual labor workers freelance: self-employed demanding job: a job that requires physical force downsizing: cutting the size of employee numbers workaholic: requiring a lot of work made redundant: no longer a need for the company(employee) perks: benefits fill in: replace somebody |
a nine-to-five job: a normal job that consists of an 8 hour day (approximately)
to be/get stuck in a rut: to be in a boring job that is hard to leave to be well paid: to earn a good salary working conditions: the hours, salary and other entitlements that come with the job a dead-end job: a job with no promotional opportunities to do a job-share: to share the weekly hours of work with another person a good team player: somebody who can work well with other people knuckle down: start working hard lay off: cut employment step down: Leave the job to somebody else |
IELTS Topic Related Vocabulary for Business, Money, and Finance | |
go bankrupt: to be unable to pay one’s debts
extravagant: a habit of spending more frugal: simple which costs you less mortgage: convey (a property) to a creditor as security on a loan exorbitant: unreasonably high priced good bargain: a good deal Run over: to exceed a planned amount of money or time Pay off (someone*): to reward/ to bribe* cash flow: the money coming in and going out of a business Payback: to repay, to return a loan Rake in: to make a lot of money |
niche business: a business that serves a small, particular market sales figures: a report of the income a company generates through sales of products or services stiff competition: strong competition to win a contract: when a business gets legally-binding work with an individual or company Hammer out: to produce something with much difficulty Nail down: to finalize something balance the books: balance the expenditure cold call: to make a sales call to someone without asking them for permission first drum up business: to try to get customers earn a living: to earn money
IELTS Topic Related Vocabulary for Politics | |
Big government: A description of the government that is believed to be too much by some.
Carpetbagger: A carpetbagger is an opportunist without any ethics Bipartisan: Something that is supported by politicians from two different political parties. Candidate: A person who wishes to be elected via a vote. Checks and balances: The different parts of the American political set up that ensures power is distributed appropriately. Coalition: When two or more political parties work together to form a government. |
Propaganda: Information that supports or dismisses a topic that may be at least partially untrue.
Pundit: A person who is an expert and often works for the media. Liberal: A person who believes in progress and protecting civil liberties. Lobby: To try to persuade someone, often a politician, to do as you want. Patriot: A person who loves their country. Convention: A gathering of the members of a political party. Pork barrel: Pork barrel politics involves investing money in an area to get political support |
IELTS Topic Related Vocabulary for Architecture |
art deco: the style of the buildings
elegant: stylish in appearance energy-efficient: energy saving an eyesore: a thing that is very ugly, especially a building. pleasing geometric forms: well-designed patterns skyscraper: a very tall building of many storeys well-designed: designed beautifully a masterpiece: extremely beautiful multi-storey: having many stores |
tear down: to demolish
dismantle: to destroy finest example: a perfect example most stunning piece: an iconic building derelict: empty and in bad condition Floorplan: the actual layout of the building green building: environment-friendly buildings façade: outer appearance high-rise apartments: a tall building |
IELTS Topic Related Vocabulary for Arts and Crafts | |
Naturalism: the way an artists sees things
Craftsmen: skilled in using something abstract: experienced balance: feeling of equality and attraction with attention Motif: repeated features to show dominance Texture: The actual or the illusion of tactile value(feeling of touch) on the surface |
Aesthetic: Relating to or characterized by a concern with beauty
Artifice: Deception or trickery B movie: A low-budget movie Baroque: extravagant Censorship: examining arts to remove anything against the ethics or rules Content: The subject matter or significance of a work of art Curator: A person whose job it is to research and manage a collection and organize exhibitions. |
HealthCare | |
Sedentary lifestyle: involving little or no physical activity
Vulnerable: exposed to the possibility of being attacked Stress-related: relating to prressure overweight : fat cutbacks: reducing the intake of something incurable: having no cure examination: check up therapy: a type of treatment catch a cold: catch common cold healthy diet: diet which is healthy work out: exercise |
as fit as fiddle: healthy
obesity: fat dietary habits: food habits unhealthy habits: habits which may cause disease be in shape: maintaing the physical fitness mental health: stress free hea;th to be over the worst: to have got through the most serious or uncomfortable stage of an illness to phone in sick: to call work to explain you won’t be attending work due to illness to make a speedy recovery: to recover quickly from an illness |
Travel | |
deported: expel from country expatriate: living outside their native country repatriated: return to own country persona: aspect of someones character economic migrants: migrants for business culture shock: Feeling confused when exposed to new culture traffic congestion: heavy traffic making it difficult to move around a town or city run down: old and of a poor standard places of interest: buildings that have a particular interest for visitors |
tourist trap: somewhere where too many tourists go
to go sightseeing: to look around the tourist sites stunning landscape: extremely beautiful countryside holiday of a lifetime: a special holiday that you are unlikely to repeat far-off destination: somewhere a long way away breathtaking view: an extremely beautiful view exhausting commuting: travelling that makes tired baggage: bags carried for travelling car breakdown: car stopped working in the suburbs: the outer area of large towns and cities where people live |
IELTS Topic Related Vocabulary for Crime, Law, and Justice | |
Law-abiding: Obedient to laws Defendant: sued/accused in court of law
Guilty: Found responsible for wrongdoing or an unlawful act. Offense: A breach of law/illegal act. Sentence: Length of time a prisoner is imprisoned. Prosecution: The legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge. Capital punishment: The legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime. Corporal punishment: Physical punishment, such as caning or flogging. Juvenile offenders: Young criminals
Getaway: An escape or quick departure, especially after committing a crime. Break the law: To go against the law. |
Witness = someone who sees a crime being committed
Charged: an accusation made against someone
Plead: make an emotional appeal
Innocent: not guilty of a crime
Rehabilitate: restore after imprisonment
Misdeeds: Wrongdoings
Misconduct: Wrongdoings
Lenient: more tolerant than expected
Deter: discourage someone from doing something
Hearsay = when you hear something from someone, but you don’t know if it is true or not Diminished responsibility = when someone cannot be held responsible for a crime, because they are mentally ill |
IELTS Topic related vocabulary for Socio-politics
Populism: a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. gender-non-binary: not associated with a specific gender extremists: a person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action. power struggle: a clash for power riots: a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd. poverty-stricken: extremely poor. intimidation: to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want racial purging: ethnic cleansing | gen z: anyone born after 1997 dissidents: a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state. millennial: denoting or relating to a period of a thousand years political scandal: an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage. racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior. rebels: a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader black-leg: a person who continues working when fellow workers are on strike destitute: extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself. |
IELTS Topic related vocabulary for Science and Technology
breakthrough: a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development. technophobe: a person who fears, dislikes, or avoids new technology. technophile: a person who is enthusiastic about new technology. cutting-edge: highly advanced; innovative or pioneering. | shutdown: a closure of a factory or system, typically a temporary closure due to a fault or for maintenance. inventions: the action of inventing something, typically a process or device. wear and tear: damage or change a computer buff: an expert computer user |
IELTS Topic related vocabulary for Food Items
fast food: easily prepared processed food balanced diet: a diet consisting of a variety of different types of food harvest: the process or period of gathering in crops. free range: (of livestock, especially poultry) kept in natural conditions organic: natural to foot the bill: to pay the bill. to work up an appetite: to do something that will lead to hunger. | to be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry fussy eater: someone who is very picky about the food and doesn’t eat everything. mouth–watering: delicious, appetizing. quick snack: a light and quick meal, usually unhealthy. to catch a snack: to eat a little portion of food very quickly. to spoil appetite: to do something that would hinder your desire to eat. |
IELTS Topic related vocabulary for Town & Country
population explosion: a sudden, large increase in the size of a population. high-rise flats: multi-story apartments places of interest: buildings that have a particular interest for visitors sprawling city: a city that has grown over time and which covers a wide area metropolis: the capital or chief city of a country or region. cosmopolitan: including people from many different countries. amenities: facilities | in the suburbs: the outer area of large towns and cities where people live cost of living: the level of prices relating to a range of everyday items. anonymity: the condition of being unknown. city dwellers: a person who lives in a city. commuters: a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis. rush hour: a time during each day when traffic is at its heaviest. |