Through Conclusion

You should not only try to summarize the main ideas from the main body, but also paraphrase(= use words which mean the same) so that you do not repeat vocabulary. When writing your conclusion, remember that you should not include any new ideas or evidence, but only summarize and paraphrase the main body ideas.

Consider the following example.

Should companies (businesses) ensure that they employ a quota (or fixed percentage) of women in all jobs, or is this an impractical concept? Discuss both sides of this debate, and reach a conclusion based on your own opinion.  
Workplace quotas have been suggested for some time now, in an attempt to encourage gender equality in the workforce. The idea provokes strong arguments, which I will consider here.  

On the one hand, it can be said that quotas would allow women to enter traditionally male professions, ranging from surgeon to airline pilot. This, it is argued, would expand the pool of people available to do these jobs, and reduce in equality between the sexes. Furthermore, supporters of quotas claim that the procedure would encourage women into the workforce generally, thus increasing family incomes and improving the standard of living of many people and families.  
The other side of this debate is that gender quotas may simply be unenforceable in practical terms. This is because the number of women who wish to be(for instance) airline pilots or surgeons appears to be substantially lower than the number of men. This being the case, it would appear to be impossible to enforce a quota in many areas. A second point is that a quota should logically work for both genders, and thus men would have to be employed in traditionally female roles such as primary teaching or nursing. Again, we would find ourselves asking men to take on jobs which they are not inclined to do. A final point is that the reduction of inequality should start at an early age, with equality of qualifications, career and life choices, rather than being enforced retrospectively by employers or the state.  

To conclude, it appears that the aim of these quotas is admirable, but they are unworkable in realistic terms due to the differing wishes of the existing workforce. A longer-term and more thoughtful program is surely needed.

Note these paraphrases in the conclusion part.

To conclude, it appears that the aim (an attempt) of these quotas is admirable, but they are unworkable in realistic terms (unenforceable in practical terms) due to the differing wishes of the existing workforce. ( jobs which they are not inclined to do.) A longer-term (start at an early age) and more thoughtful program is surely needed.

Balanced conclusion

A balanced conclusion means that your summary or conclusion recognizes that a situation is complex, that a number of factors are involved, and that your body paragraph has not gravitated towards any side of the issue. You have included both side of the issue in your body paragraph. For say:-

Overall, the environment is certainly a major priority (Paraphrase of first body paragraph). However, it should be seen as one among a range of issues to be solved, and the solutions themselves could lead to better preservation of nature. (Paraphrase of second body paragraph).)

Another useful way to write a balanced conclusion is to use Provided that or As long as to set a condition on your conclusion. For example:-

Overall, it seems that video games can be a useful part of a child’s education, provided that the content is monitored by parents and teachers.
To sum up, it appears that tourism is a benefit to less developed countries, as long as some of the profits are reinvested in the local infrastructure.  

One Sided conclusion

One sided conclusion means that your summary or conclusion recognizes that a situation/issue is more complex and convincing for you than its counterpart. For say:-

Overall, it seems advisable(instead of writing I think that use formal language on your introduction part) that the decision to keep a pet should be based on a child’s interest, ability and family circumstances, rather than on a general view that ‘all children’ should have animals. It would appear that this serves the interests of both the children and the pets involved.

Cause and effect conclusion

In summary, the factors of funding and cost of living appear to be the main causes. A coordinated response by the state, the institutions and the individuals may well lessen these verities of the situation.
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