1.2 Format of the Listening Test

How many parts is the test divided into?

There are four parts (Before 2020 these were known as sections) in the Listening test. Let’s look at the content of each section.

What is the format of the test?

PART 1 – A conversation in an everyday social context between two people, such as a telephone conversation between a travel agent and a customer booking a holiday. 
PART 2 – A monologue on a topic relating to general social needs, for example, someone giving a speech about recycling in the community. 
PART 3 – A conversation in an academic context between two or more people. This could be a university student discussing their essay with a tutor.
 Part 4 – A lecture or talk (monologue)  on a topic of general academic interest. It could be a University professor giving a lecture about a particular science topic.

Parts of the test

The test is divided into four parts. In each part, there is one audio recording and 10 questions to answer. These questions contain two to three different question types, and in general, you will have 30 seconds to look at a set of questions before the audio starts playing.


You can see that Sections 1 and 2 are on general interest topics while Sections 3 and 4 are related to academic (university) topics. This is because both Academic Module and General Training Module candidates take the same Listening test.

Another important point is that Sections 1 and 3 are conversations between two or three people while Sections 2 and 4 are monologues (just one person speaking).

 Part 1 – Conversation (two speakers)

  • This is a conversation between two speakers in which one speaker is asking for information from the other speaker. Often conversations in this section involve one speaker doing everyday activities such as registering for a course or renting an apartment.
  • The topics of this section are of general interest and are not related to academic topics.
  • This section is the easiest of the four sections because you are asked to listen for basic information such as names, numbers, dates, and locations.

Question 1-6

Complete the form below.


Hotel Information
Example answerName of accommodation: (0) Carlton Hotel
Length of stay:3 nights
Ages of children:(1) 
Rooms available:Two en-suites at £270
Price inclusive of:(2) 
Payment method:credit card
Name:Michael (3) 
Date of birth:(4)  1968
Address:273, Stanton Court, London.
Post code:(5) 
Telephone:08773 (6) 

Now pause the recording. You have 30 seconds to look at questions 7-10.

Questions 7-10

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THREE WORDS AND OR/ A NUMBER for each answer

Transport Options
Mode of TransportCostArrangementsTravel time to town
TaxiApproximately(7) £ Pick up from the hotel10 minutes
Bus £2 per person Walk down Oak Tree (8) 15 minutes
Walking——–Walk through(9) (10) 

 Part 2 – Monologue

  • This is a monologue (i.e., there is only one main speaker). A second speaker may ask one or two questions of the main speaker.
  • The topics are of general interest such as cooking, nature and animals, weekend activities, travel and health.
  • You do not need specialist knowledge to understand topics in this section.

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. for each answer

11 The company expanded in

A  2000

B  2007

C  2014

12 The number of permanent staff is

A  75

B  90

C  150

13 Most volunteers join the program

A  in Winter

B  in July

C  when it is best for them

14 Time Abroad receives all its income from

A  partner organisations

B  volunteers

C  the govenment

Complete the table.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Volunteering OpportunityActivityBenefitsEnglish TeachingHelping with English(15) Significantly improve the (16)  of many children and adultsAgriculture and FarmingPromoting sustainable and(17)  farming- Promote (18)  farming methods- educate local communitiesVeterinary Medicine– Helping the vet with (19) 
– Joining the vet on home visits- Amazing insights into the country- See a lot of fascinating animals- Gain a greater ((20)  of the difficulties in the country

 Part 3 – Conversation (up to four people)

  • This is a conversation between two or more speakers (usually three speakers).
  • The topics are academic ones, often related to student life at university.
  • This section is more difficult than Sections 1 and 2, since it involves more speakers and because the topics are more abstract.

You will hear a woman asking a tutor for more information about a Media Studies course at a university.

Questions 21 – 23

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

21 How long did Louise work at a radio station?

A  2 years

B  4 years

C  6 years

22 Why does Louise want to do a Masters?

A  To get a promotion in her current job

B  To go into TV

C  Employers like post-graduate qualifications

23 How long will it take to do the Masters part-time rather than the modular route?

A  18 months

B  3 years

C  4 years

Questions 24 and 25

Choose TWO letters A-F.

Which two things must Louise have to join the course?

A  A bachelor’s degree

B  Work experience

C  Either a bachelor’s degree or work experience

D  Research experience

E  A completed thesis

F  Motivation

Questions 26-30


Fees and FundingThe fees are (26)  per year to do the course part-time. The university has a (27)  it can use to fund the most suitable students. You must have a (28)  in place before you can get any funding. The details on funding can be found on the (29)  . That will also have information on eligibility, help available, and (30)  .

 Part 4 – Academic lecture

  • This is a monologue and very often involves a university lecturer speaking on an academic topic.
  • You do not need specialist knowledge to understand the topics in this section.
  • This section is the most difficult because you are asked to listen to a longer lecture.

Questions 31 – 35

Complete the sentences below

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer

31. Indian Railways is owned and  by the government of India.

32. There are more than  million people working for Indian Railways

33. The  of the railways from 1857 occurred under Robert Maitland Brereton.

34. The joining of the East Indian Railway with the Great Indian Peninsula Railway led to a network of  kilometres.

35. The route from Bombay to Calcutta, opened in 1870, was an  for the book Around the World in 80 days.


Questions 36-40

Complete the table below

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer

1875 – 1899
The network radiated inward from (36)  , Madras, and Calcutta
1900 – 1906
It was not long before various independent kingdoms had their own (37)  . 
1907 – 1919
When the war finished the railways were suffering from (38)  and  
1920 – 1938
Between 1920 and 1929, the railways had a (39)  of around £687 million 
1939 – 1946
The rolling stock that was moved to the Middle East included locomotives and (40)  .

The Instructions

Instructions for the Listening test are spoken as part of the recording so it is important that you listen carefully to these instructions. The instructions are not difficult and they are clearly explained. Instructions are also written on the Question Booklet in the paper-based test and on the computer screen in the computer-delivered test.

Note:- You don’t get examples in IELTS Listening from 2020 onwards

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