Types of Sentence: 3. Complex Sentence

3. Complex Sentences

This type of sentence structure is important for IELTS because to get awarded a band 7 or higher for your ‘grammatical range and accuracy, you need to demonstrate that you are able to use them. The more varied and the more accurate your complex sentences are, the higher the band score for this.

Complex sentences are two (or more) clauses joined together, but they are not joined by coordinating conjunctions. They are joined by subordinating conjunctions.

  • after
  • although
  • as
  • because
  • before
  • even though
  • if
  • since
  • though
  • unless
  • until
  • when
  • whenever
  • whereas
  • wherever
  • while


While X may be positive in some respects, we should also consider its negative aspects, namely A, B, and C.

Complex sentences have three types:

  1. Adverbial Clauses
  2. Relative Clauses
  3. Noun Clauses

Instead of repeating the same grammatical structure relating to complex sentence, let’s learn to offer variety.

1) Adverbial Clauses

Adverbial clauses answer questions such as how, why, when, where; made by connecting an independent clause and a dependent clause with a subordinating conjunction.


Every country should focus on science because technological achievements cannot be achieved without it. OR Because technological achievements cannot be achieved without it, every country should focus on science

2) Relative Clauses

When dependent and independent clauses are joined by using relative pronouns, it gives a relative clause.

Relative Pronouns who which that Where when


We humans, who learned to tame the wildfire, are supreme than any creatures on this planet.
  • Use it after noun(who comes after humans)

3) Noun Clauses

A noun clause answers the question ‘who?’ or ‘what?’. Unlike relative clauses, which come after the noun, noun clauses come after the verb.


I think that corruption is wrong and that those guilty of it should be punished.  

4. Compound-Complex Sentences

Compound-complex sentences are the same as complex sentences but they also have a simple (or compound) sentence before or after the ‘complex’ part.


I ate a lot when I got home, but I was still hungry.

Band 9 sample essay using sentence variation.

Environmental issues are a concern for almost everyone today, as we see the natural world suffering increasing damage from pollution, construction, and other human activity. However, to say that governments should regard this one issue as their main priority may be a rather simplistic view.  

Admittedly, it is correct that environmental protection should be among our greatest concerns. Without coordinated measures from national and global organizations, the environment will continue to deteriorate, leading to a more unstable world for us all. However, by focussing on this topic to the exclusion of others we run the risk of neglecting a range of other, equally grave challenges. Foremost among these other challenges appear to be the question of overpopulation, by which I mean the growth of human numbers beyond the ability of the human race to support itself. If this problem is not addressed, we potentially face the collapse of modern human society, and consequently the ability of the human race to combat the environmental damage which has already taken place.  

Another challenge that is at least equal to the environment is the need to reduce poverty and disease in less developed countries, which again would enable those populations to play a larger part in attempts to preserve nature. Finally, there is the question of unemployment and the need to find ways to reduce this problem. By increasing the number of people in work throughout the world, governments would create the revenues and economic stability required to make environmental protection more viable.  

Overall, the environment is certainly a major priority. However, it should be seen as one among a range of issues to be solved, and the solutions themselves could lead to better preservation of nature.
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