2.1 How to Write Introduction for IELTS Task 1
Many students are afraid of it, but the IELTS Writing Task 1 can actually be the easiest part of the whole IELTS exam! It’s the only part of the exam, in fact, which is so predictable. You can learn simple structures before the exam that can almost always be used. In this lesson today let us learn how to write an introduction for writing task 1.
IELTS Writing Task 1 answer starts with an introduction. Here, the examiner wants to see a clear, single sentence(not compulsorily) that shows you have analysed and understood:-
- idea of the data,
- timescales and
- units
ExampleThe bar graph provides information about the distribution of internet users in four different age brackets (what) in Thailand (where) over three consecutive years (1998-2000) (when).Tips:Try to address at least two wh-question in your introduction. |
While writing introduction for writing task 1, take the explanatory part of the Task instruction(question), and paraphrase it in your own words.
For example, if the Task instruction for writing includes the information: “The first graph below shows the weight (in tonnes) of fruit produced by a farm during each month in 2013, and also the amount (in tonnes) of fertilizer used. The second graph shows the volume of rainfall in each month (in millimeters.)”
You can paraphrase this as: “The charts give data regarding the tonnage of fruit produced in a farm per month in 2013, the fertiliser used and the monthly rainfall in that year.”
Remember that when you write introduction for writing task 1 you Must NOT:-
- include any figures or data (except the year(s) if given)
- give any background to the topic or add any knowledge, opinions or ideas of your own.
- copy the complete Task instruction from the Test paper without changing/paraphrasing it.
How to write a perfect introduction for Writing Task 1?
Writing a good introduction for writing task 1 is a no-brainer. There are various methods to write an introduction. The simplest and by far the most effective though is this:
Writing an introduction for single graphs:-
For single graphs: The bar graph/pie chart/ line graph/table provides information about …(+ what + where+ when)…
Starting | Presentation Type | Verb | Description |
The given, The supplied, The presented, The shown, The provided | diagram / table / figure / illustration / graph / chart / flow chart / picture/ presentation/ pie chart / bar graph/ column graph / line graph / table data/ data / information / pictorial/ process diagram/ map/ pie chart and table/ bar graph and pie chart … | shows / represents / depicts / enumerates / illustrates / presents/ gives / provides / delineates/ outlines/ describes / delineates/ expresses/ denotes/ compares/ shows contrast / indicates / figures / gives data on / gives information on/ presents information about/ shows data about/ demonstrates/ sketch out/ summarises… | the comparison of, the differences, the changes, the number of, information on, data on the proportion of, the amount of, information on, data about, comparative data, the trend of, the percentages of, the ratio of, how the, |
Writing an introduction for double graphs of task 1:-
The bar graph/pie chart/ line graph/table provides information about …(+ what + where+ when)…, while the line/bar/pie chart indicates ……. (+ what+ where+ when)
The bar graph/pie chart/ line graph/table provides information about …(+ what + where+ when)…, with the line/bar/pie chart indicating ……. (+ what+ where+ when)
How to paraphrase questions?
While we write an introduction for IELTS Writing task 1, we should try our best to paraphrase the question, so that we don’t repeat the words for words.
1. Use derivatives of a word(verb into noun, vice-versa)
contribute (v) → contribution (n) | The graph shows how young people contributed ….. ↓ The graph shows the contribution of young people ….. |
2. Convert active sentences into passive ones and vice versa:
active → passiveNB Try to avoid replacing too many active verbs with passive verbs; active verbs are preferable because they are stronger than passive verbs. | Children used the books more eagerly when they were illustrated.↓The books were used more eagerly (by children) when they were illustrated. |
3 Use synonyms and antonyms:
The graph provides information on the number of cars bought per head of population in China.↓The graph provides information on the number of cars purchased per head of population in China. | NB It is not a good idea to use synonyms for concept words, technical terms, or proper nouns (words that begin with capital letters, such as names. |
4 Using how much, how many and how+…
The bar graph shows the number of students who visited the museum in the past month.↓The bar graph shows how many (countable noun) students visited the museum in the past month. | The pie charts show the amount of water used for domestic purposes.↓The pie charts show how much water was used for domestic purposes. |
How to Write Introduction for Writing Task 1: Grammar for Introduction:
- Always use present tense whatever is the date given in your question because you are reporting the graph now.
- For a single graph use ‘s’ after the verb, like – gives data on, shows/ presents, etc. However, if there are multiple graphs, DO NOT use ‘s’ after the verb.
- If there are multiple graphs and each one presents a different type of data, you can write which graph presents what type of data and use ‘while, whereas’ to show a connection. For example -‘The given bar graph shows the amount spent on fast food items in 2009 in the UK while the pie chart presents a comparison of people’s ages who spent more on fast food.
- For multiple graphs and/ or table(s), you can write what they present in combination instead of saying which each graph depicts. For example, “The two pie charts and the column graph in combination depicts a picture of the crime in Australia from 2005 to 2015 and the percentages of young offenders during this period.”
How long should I take?
If you practice these, you should be able to write a good introduction sentence in about 1 minute, leaving enough time for the main body of the essay. Don’t spend longer than about 1 minute on this, because you need plenty of time to write the main body.