Question: Traveling- Reasons and Benefits

A lot more people are travelling nowadays than before. What are the reasons for this and what are the benefits of travelling?

Sample Answer One

Travelling has become more economical and easy today than compared with the older days. In contrast to this, in the earlier period making a travel plan itself, used to be a tedious task as it included many factors like firstly setting up a budget, arrangement of various place bookings etc.

Today, people are travelling more than ever before due to easy connectivity and reach of many places. Moreover, people have more flexible jobs so they can take time out from their busy lives and just have a weekend getaway to any nearby places.

Travelling has also become more affordable due to the entry of many multinationals in the country and also mainly due to the reason for too much competition. So everyone tries to give a better deal to the customer either by offering discounts or by giving an all in all customized package.

Besides the above points, people have also become more open-minded in terms of exploring new places. They are willing to spend money and time to visit their favourite destination.

Lately, what we have seen is that a lot of people travel alone and have started exploring new places. They stay with the locals of that particular place, eat what local people eat and explore the local area around them. Due to this, they understand the local culture without spending too much money. Travelling to distant places makes people more independent also.

To sum up, we must all take out time to travel around different places big or small, luxurious or not and find our own space in this world.

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