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 ***Go to your IELTS speaking interview at least 1 hour before your test. *Take speaking questions with you on paper (2 copies – one for you, one for the other guy/gal) ***Then, find another candidate to practice with. This WILL build your confidence and fluency. 

***EVERY single word that you say once you meet your examiner WILL affect your mark! (It is false belief that the introduction does not affect your mark)

*It may be that the introduction does not “officially” count toward your mark. However, the examiner is assessing your ability from the very beginning. 

*Using the icebreaker/introductory questions, you must remember to show fluency. *Do not ramble (ramble = talk, talk, talk, talk) BUT do give clear, complete and professional responses!

*When you are practicing at home/school for your speaking interview it is VERY important to also practice asking questions and not just giving answers. In this way, you will gain confidence and you will understand the communication from the perspective of the examiner! This is important so that you are clear on the quality of the communication. 

***For clear communication, you MUST use visual language, such as quantification (numbers) – ex. “I live in a three-bedroom condo”

IELTS Speaking Part 1

Examiner Questions:

May I see your identification?

Certainly, please allow me a moment to flip to the page with my credentials. Okay, got it. Here you are, please take a look. 

What is your full name?

My given names are Sandra Luisa and my family name is McKinley, please call me by my nickname Sandy if you don’t mind. 

Where do you live?

I live in a three-bedroom townhome in the heart of Vitoria, British Columbia which is one of the most western cities in Canada. I have been living here for more than 30 years. 

What is your favorite food?

I love pizza and I eat it every chance I get. The combination of pizza dough, with cheese, onions, sausage and mushrooms is so delicious and fragrant, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. In fact, I had a mushroom and sausage pizza just the other night with a movie and it was so yummy. 


Let’s talk about sleep


How many hours do you sleep in a day?

On most days, I get at least 7 hours of sleep as this is the right amount for me to feel energized throughout the day. If I don’t sleep at least 7 hours, I really feel grumpy. For this exam I got a good 8 hours of sleep last night, so that my wits are sharp and I’m focused. 

Where do you like to sleep?

Like most people, I really enjoy sleeping in my own bed, as it is very comfortable and familiar, so I get a good night’s rest. In fact, I don’t much enjoy sleeping anywhere else, even in a bed in a hotel room. 

When do you go to bed? Why?

What helps you to sleep better? Why?

How do you feel when you do not get enough sleep?

Have you ever had difficulties sleeping? If yes, why? 

***YOU MUST REFLECT the GRAMMAR of the QUESTION – present perfect

Yes, I have had trouble sleeping in the past. This has happened to me when I’m anxious about the next days events, such as final exams in school, or asking a girl out on a date. In fact, it took me a while to get to sleep last night, knowing that I had this exam coming up in the morning.  

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