Download Get IELTS Band 9 In Writing Task 1 Data Charts and Graphs book teaches you a 3-step process for analyzing the Task and then writing your essay, using a wide range of examples including tables, bar charts, graphs and pie charts. It shows you 12 model essays written to Band 9 standard, complete with examiner’s comments explaining why the essays are so successful. 

Writing Task 1 Data Charts and Graphs can be the most difficult part of the IELTS test, especially when the Task involves data, charts and graphs.  You need to know how to analyze the charts, how to identify ‘static’ and ‘movement’ data, and how to structure the essay effectively. 

By using download Get IELTS Band 9 In Writing Task 1 models and our 3-step process, you can be sure of achieving the best possible result in Academic Task 1 data essays, even if your English is not perfect. 

About Download Get IELTS Band 9 In Writing Task 1 Data Charts and Graphs

Using English to write about data, especially describing charts and graphs, can be difficult for many people. Get IELTS Band 9 In Writing Task 1 Data Charts and Graphs gives you a structural process to use with data essays, and teaches you the most useful English vocabulary for these situations. It gives you 12 examples of Task 1 essays written to Band 9 standard, with examiner’s comments explaining you why the essays are so successful.

The final 2 models are intended as practice tests for Task 1, which you can use to try the process, skills and language that you learn in this book. If you have experience of IELTS already, you may want to start by reading the Model Tasks’ section from the Table of Contents, and then go back and read the ‘Data essays: Our 3-step process’ section.  If you are completely new to IELTS, we recommend start with the ‘Data essays: Our 3-step process’ section first.

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