If you are searching for the best IELTS class in Kathmandu, then this is clear that you never want to settle for less. Through this whole article, we will guide you on how to choose the best place to study IELTS in Kathmandu, Nepal, and some lists too.

Best IELTS coaching in kathmandu: How to decide?

Deciding the best should be synonymous with the quality of IELTS training the institution provides you. … But what does quality mean? Quality means everything from your initial pre-placement test to decide your level of English to the final hour of preparation before you sit for the test to boost the hidden confidence in you and wipe out your exam fear.

1. Education Ministry’s Approval

A notice by the Ministry of Education warning about the fraudulent or an attempt for fraudulent conduct.

Warning: Most of the consultancies in Nepal are still awaiting the government’s approval from MOE.

MOE Logo

With a list of hundreds of consultancies in Kathmandu, only a few of them are legally valid, meaning that they don’t even exist in the eye of the Ministry of Education (MOE). Here if any fraud, which we hear often in News, the government can do nothing for your unwise decision of choosing your best IELTS class in Kathmandu. Look at some examples widespread in the internet:-

Read this case of misconduct by consultancy

Watch this case of misconduct by consultancy

Bottom line:- Ask them to show their certificates alias you will end up wiping your tears while searching the best IELTS class in Kathmandu, Nepal. But how do I know the correct certificate of approval? Below is one sample.

2. The Quality of the Instructor

Consider that you are misled by Google Maps. Will reaching your destination be an easy task? That’s why the teacher’s quality matters. So, dare to ask the quality and proof for the effectiveness of the tutor. Many consultancies, not all, hire teachers that need very low investment, and there comes the free IELTS game.

Quality of the instructor for the best consultancy in kathmandu for IELTS

A teacher who sat for the test knows the system better. Hence, ask for the IELTS certificate and other IELTS related training attended by the teacher. In fact, it is the most important factor influencing student achievement.

Bottom line:- For the best IELTS class in Kathmandu, Nepal, teachers should have a previous self-experience of the test and a band score of not less than 7, which is the minimum qualification required for teaching IELTS according to the MOE.

Resources and study materials

The more you expose the more you to English the faster you will learn the language. Unfortunately, most of the consultancies offer you a book just for the sake of saying free study materials and around 80% of the time these books are practice books by Cambridge instead of the coursebook.

Initially, what you need is a coursebook, not a practice book. In fact, you can download all those practice books in the internet for free. Suppose you are sick and unable to attend the coaching; you need a coursebook.

Bottom line:- Before you admit, ask for a coursebook that guides you through all the components of IETS and then all you need is a practice book.

4. Alumni Scores

History speaks loud, doesn’t it? So, before you choose either ask some industry experts or listen to someone who is alumni. A consultancy with a poor history of band score symbolizes its ineffective effort to improve it.

But how would I know? Don’t worry good scores are like pieces of cake which will be on display hanging aside near the walls of your institution or else you have to rely on the recommendation of your peers and relatives who have scored well.

Bottom line:- Until you are sure that someone has scored well from that institution, don’t decide it to be your best IELTS class in Kathmandu, Nepal.

5. Class Size and Length

Unlike western countries where IELTS classes run for at least three months, here in Nepal the course doesn’t last for over 45 days. Reasons? Read fast and apply fast so that consultancy can earn fast. For the decision of the best IELTS class in Kathmandu, Nepal, study well about the length of the course they are offering you. The longer the better.

The next important factor is to consider the size of the class you enroll in. Many students complain about the large-sized class, sometimes 60 students per group in 60 minutes class. Oh, poor you! What will you learn when the teacher on average has just 1 minute for you? The size should not exceed 20 if you want personalized care from the tutor.

Bottom line:- Choose a consultancy or institution that offers a course of at least 45 hours but not days, as days might include all holidays. Also, the group size should be limited to 20 students.

6. Ambiance of the Classroom

Do you remember the first day of your college? Well, don’t you? You remember the classroom, desk, bench, but not what the teacher taught you that day. That’s why the classroom ambiance matters. Dare to visit the classroom. Is it a full-fledged audiovisual or the traditional whiteboard class?

Bottom line:- Visit the classroom and find out the ambiance.

7. Regular Test and Feedback

A desire won’t give you the score you need, Practise only correct practice will. That’s the reason for the frequency of mock tests and feedback sessions to be considered as another factor while deciding the best IELTS class in Kathmandu, Nepal. Most of the consultancies know this and at least once a week they organize a mock test, but the problem is actually on the feedback system. You will be left alone with the score you got, no explanation on why that score and no feedback to improve it.

Bottom line:- Ask for the sample mock test result and feedback paper that contains every single detail that you are looking for.

This is how you decide the best ielts class in kathmandu city.

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  1. Sir how to know which is the best class for ielts preparation when the institute is run be relativez.

  2. I want a institute where reading classes are better than any other modules. I go everywhere they teach same passage and self reading.

  3. I need to find the best education consultancy in Bhaktapur? I am a student with poor status, I need discounts. Help please.

  4. I think this is the best guide over the internet on how to find the best educational institute to study IELTS. THanks

  5. Oops, my lockdown days. Sir can you suggest any consultancy offering an online course. I think I will forget everything I’ve learned.

  6. One consultancy here in Chitwan is offering a free IELTS Course but they are asking for my certificates, the original ones. What should i do?

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