202 IELTS Useful Exercises is an IELTS practice workbook that will provide you with 202 useful exercises for the IELTS test. the book will make you practice the three IELTS skills reading, listening, and writing. Start practicing for IELTS with these Useful IELTS Exercises. 

202 IELTS Useful Exercises

The 202 exercises contained in this practice workbook are designed to complement the information and practice tests contained in the authors’ study books and guides to the IELTS examination, especially ‘101 Helpful Hints for IELTS‘ (Academic Module and General Training Module versions). However, it is not essential to refer to those books to complete the exercises.

202 Useful Exercises For IELTS

All of the 202 exercises involve the various skills required to take the IELTS test, and most, but not all, of the questions asked in these exercises are of the type found in the actual test. For instance, questions that require grammatical knowledge are asked indirectly in the IELTS test itself, but are sometimes put to the student directly in this practice workbook (see the Grammar sections).

Main Features Of The Book

The book was written with 3 main purposes in mind. Carefully working through the 202 exercises should:

  1. Provide varied practice to extend the skills referred to in the authors’ study books and guides;
  2. Highlight a student’s probable weaknesses in 7 important areas of skill in English, – listening, reading, writing, punctuation, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary; 
  3. Increase a student’s general knowledge in 5 areas of current topical interest, namely, ‘Communication and the Arts, ‘The Environment’, ‘Technology’, ‘Politics in Britain’, and ‘Youth and Education.

Also, speaking practice is included in this workbook to extend the value of certain exercises, but for a complete treatment refer to the authors’ forthcoming production ‘303 The Speaking Room’.

In the end, I hope that you have found this article useful to you and we may take this opportunity to wish good luck to all students intending to take the IELTS examination soon.

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